Our Values
We strive to pursue a performance culture that radiates integrity and trust.
To underpin this culture, we have defined three core values to codify our behavior: Growth Mindset, Integrity, and Team First.
Growth mindset
Team first

Frode Strand-Nielsen, Founder and Chairperson, discusses “the Value of Values” at FSN Capital
Growth mindset
The belief that you can always improve, the courage to set bold, visionary goals, and the desire and grit to overcome the barriers that stand in the way of winning.
We gaze for the stars
We set bold goals and aim for no less than winning. We drive transformation, we are entrepreneurial and prepared to take risk…
… even when going outside the comfort zone or when experiencing fear of failure.
We thrive on Positive Dissatisfaction
We constantly challenge the status quo; to develop the firm, our portfolio companies and ourselves…
… even when it implies a lot of hard work and changing the way of working feels uncomfortable.
We face the brutal facts
We are humble, realistic and fact-based. If the data shows that we are not on track, we analyze, learn and correct course…
… even if it is painful to confront underperformance in oneself or others.
We insist on excellence, and nothing less
We have the drive, perseverance and focus to deliver unusually good outcomes, we keep our word and adhere to deadlines…
… even when knowing one could get away with less.
Performance will improve continuously, and over time dramatically, by effort and deliberate practice. We see failure as an opportunity to learn, not a sign of lack of talent. Our Growth Mindset drives excellence and fuels our journey towards becoming one of the most trusted and admired asset managers globally. The Growth Mindset journey never ends.
The quality of knowing and having the personal strength to do what is morally right, even when no one is watching or there appears not to be a benefit in the short term.
We are decent people
This means we always follow our moral compass, we do not enter grey zones, and we are considerate of the interests of others…
… even when it is easier not to be transparent or cut corners, especially when nobody would notice.
We act with courage
This means that we have the personal strength to speak up and take a stand when necessary…
… even when in fear of; being ridiculed, excluded or damaging an important relationship.
We are purpose-driven
We want to make a positive impact on the world by promoting sustainability and inspiring others to act responsibly…
… even when it is not expected of us and when there is no clear financial gain from doing so.
We focus on the long-term
This means that we think beyond our holding period and are forward-looking in our decision-making…
… even when it may have a negative impact in the short term.
Integrity and honesty is at the heart of who we are. Our highest aspiration is to live a life of integrity and purpose. We believe in building sustainable and resilient business to the benefit of our Ultimate Clients. We care for our strong reputation and aimtosafeguard the longevity of our firm.
Team first
Putting the team ahead of ourselves to maximize performance and WIN.
We build trust
This means we choose to trust first and verify later. We do not gossip or blame. We build trust through humility, empathy and transparency…
… even if it means we feel vulnerable and uncomfortable at times.
We dare to challenge
This means that we openly give & receive feedback & understand that relationships need healthy friction and conflict to thrive & improve…
… even when being fearful of showing vulnerability or confronting others.
We promote diversity, equity, and inclusion
This means we seek to optimize decisions by diversity of thought and psychological safety…
… even when we know full well that it requires extra effort and can be time-consuming.
We win together
This means we drive results together, we back team decisions 100%, and make other people shine…
… even when tempted to let ego get in the way.